Estd: 28th Nov 2019


Approved by National Bee Board (NBB), BS27/2/10X/Nov21/NBB

REGD No.SRG/M:22/2019 Under Tamilnadu Society Registration Act

Welcome to...

Pechiparai West Hill Horticultural Beekeepers Welfare Association!

We're committed to promoting sustainable beekeeping practices and protecting our local environment.

Join our community of beekeepers today and help us create a better tomorrow for our bees and our planet.


Our vision at Pechiparai West Hill Horticultural Beekeepers Welfare Association is to be recognized as a leading provider of high-quality, sustainable beekeeping products in the region. We aim to promote the importance of bees and other pollinators to the local ecosystem and agricultural industry, and to foster a deep appreciation for the role that bees play in sustaining life on our planet.


Our mission is to produce and sell top-quality beekeeping products, including honey, beeswax, bee hives, and honey bees, while also promoting sustainable beekeeping practices and supporting the local beekeeping industry. We aim to educate the wider community about the importance of bees and other pollinators, and to encourage the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that support the health and well-being of bees and other wildlife.

Why We are here

We promote sustainable beekeeping practices and support local beekeepers by producing and selling high-quality, all-natural beekeeping products. Our products are a healthy and environmentally responsible choice for consumers who care about the impact of their choices on the planet. By supporting us, customers can help promote sustainable agriculture and the health of the local ecosystem.


R. Justin Sam


Pechiparai West Hill Horticultural Beekeepers Welfare Association was founded by R. Justin Sam on 28th November 2019. He is passionate about beekeeping and dedicated to promoting and protecting the interests of beekeepers in the Pechiparai West Hill area.

The organization has 247 Scheduled Tribes (ST) members who are experienced beekeepers, dedicated to ensuring that beekeeping is sustainable and profitable. Our members are committed to promoting sustainable beekeeping practices that benefit both the bees and the environment.


Jai Nagar



Kanyakumari Dist

Tamil Nadu

Pin: 629161

Quick Contact

+91 4651 291 142
+91 944 38 08 675

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© Pechiparai West Hill Horticultural Beekeepers Welfare Association - 2023

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